Minggu, 26 Januari 2020

|Full Movie - Online Stream SOME NIGHTS I FEEL LIKE WALKING _2020 Movie Online Watch


0/10 by 0 users
Release Date:2020-10-16
Runtime:120 min.
Production Company:
Casts:Elijah Canlas, Kokoy de Santos
Plot Keywords:

Some Nights I Feel Like Walking tells the story of a rich teenager who runs away from home and joins a group of street hustlers who go on a road trip to fulfill the final wish of their dead friend.

The time has come. The thrilling conclusion to the Infinity Stones saga and the Marvel Cinematic Universe as we know it. After the shocking cliffhanger in last year’s, “Infinity War”, the long year wait moved fast and slow all at the same time. Now that we are here, the questions began to flow in. Who lives? Who dies? What happens to the world? All of these questions and more are answered but not in the way you might think or in the most understandable way. The film opens up with Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) free-floating in space on the Guardians spacecraft with Nebula (Karen Gillian) after the snap from Thanos (Josh Brolin) and losing Spider-Man (Tom Holland), Peter Quill (Chris Pratt), and Drax (Batista) on Thanos home planet, Titan. Some humor is added to the mix with both Tony and Nebula playing a game of paper football while waiting for life support to fail. This leads to a monologue with Tony recording a message to Pepper (Gywneth Paltrow) through his helmet. After that, it looks like he is close to death. But, a orange glow overtakes the ship and it’s Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) to the rescue. From there, they are reunited with the team that remains. Fast forward a bit and now they find Thanos, thanks to Nebula. The stones have been destroyed and Thor beheads him. What do our heroes do? Five years later and still no results. The movie petals along for a good solid hour with our heroes trying to find different theories until they realize that time travel is the only option. The first hour of this film does tend to move a bit slower then you traditional Marvel film. We are treated to a very depressing and somber tone with giving each character their moment and what they have been doing over the last five years. The biggest moment by-far is given to Thor (Chris Hemsworth). Beer and time have not been kind to him. Yes that’s what I said, beer. I don’t want to give it away but his appearance generated some of the theater’s funniest laughs. I was glad in this sequence to see a few characters from “Thor: Ragnorak” make a return appearance and see that they are alright. I was really surprised how many laughs were in this film considering where the story is at this time. I think there may have been almost too much funny going on here at times but that may have been just because of the audience that was with me in the theater. Petaling along, we are treated to all of the avengers splitting off into different times to locate all of the stones before Thanos gets them. These were some great sequences and it was great to see some old familiar people from past Marvel films and callbacks to the first avengers film. Time travel is a key part for the whole last two hours of this film and while things to make sense at times, there are also many different plot holes I found too. Some time travel events don’t exactly match up with previous time rules we have seen in other films or what common sense would tell you in these situations. It leads to some convoluted and messy things that still are a bit bothersome especially when five years have passed and at the end of the film, Peter Parker goes back to high school and sees his friend, Ned (Jacob Batalon). How did high school resume for them when five years have passed? I am hoping this is answered in the upcoming “Spider-Man: Far From Home”. The final battle of this film is quite the epic spectacle. Not as big as some of the reviews were hinting because I still believe in the big picture of things that the battles in the previous film were a bit better. Although the moment where all of the avengers assemble here is quite the goosebumps moment. The CGI is nearly flawless in the film with only some moments in the final battle looking a little too green screen. There are a couple of deaths in the film. One of them I was expecting and another not so much. I won’t tell you here but the one I was expecting gets a proper sendoff and it is a good farewell that feels right. I am also pleased that Captain America gets the ending that I always wanted. It’s exactly what I predicted and if you listen to mine and Jason Kobasic’s podcast on the previous film and our first part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe recap, you will know what I mean. This film bookends just about every thread from the previous 21 Marvel films. It couldn’t have been an easy task for the filmmakers to put that together and create something special. They did and everything comes together real nice in the final moments and I loved the final shot. It put a smile on my face and felt very satisfied. I still like “Infinity War” a tad bit better then this one but this is still a great addition and an epic conclusion to these first three phases. Bravo Marvel and we will see you in Phase four and beyond. Grade: B+


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Some Nights I Feel Like Walking (2020) Movie Watch Online

Box Office movies, Some Nights I Feel Like Walking (2020) had a considerable measure more to love than scorn. None of that in this crisp advertising.