Minggu, 26 Januari 2020

FuLL#MOVIES Between Sea and Sky ~2020 Watch Movies Online Free

Between Sea and Sky ~2020

Between Sea and Sky 2020 HD
Between Sea and Sky 2020
0/10 by 0 users
Release Date:2020-08-14
Runtime: min.
Production Company:The IdeaFirst Company
Plot Keywords:

The astonishing true tale of survival of Roland Omongos, a Filipino fisherman who was rescued in Papua New Guinea after drifting at sea for 56 days.

Usually the phrase came full circle is used way to often without meaning but in the sense of Avengers: Endgame Marvel did just that, wrapping up 10 years of storytelling and movies all really well.

What I really enjoyed about this movie is that it really took its time with the plot, Sometimes it took too long to get going especially with a 3 hour run time but it was never boring and you just kept getting intrigued with the story elements. When the movie starts it’s right off Infinity War and did really well to establish the consequences of the last movie and to let the characters experience the fallout of Infinity War.

As I said the movie really took its time with it plot sometimes it just felt a little too dragged on as it left the directors wanted to over-establish some plot points instead of just keeping it simple but I wouldn’t say it’s a major issue it’s just that in a 3 hour runtime you don’t need to over complicate the plot. However though the story was really fantastic, if I haven’t said it before the Russo Brothers are geniuses they managed to wrap up 10 years worth of storytelling in one movie brilliantly from the First IronMan movie till now.

Speaking of characters, obliviously there were a lot characters like Infinity War but Endgame was really about the conclusion of the original six Avengers from IronMan, Black Widow, Captain America, Hulk, Hawkeye and Thor. Each one had an arc and came to satisfying conclusions by the end of the movie. The really surprising performance came from Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye or Ronin who we didn’t see on Infinity War and had a really nice story that involved him and his family and the events of Infinity War and how it impacted him. Robert Downey Jr gave the best performance as usual .In all honesty no one gave a bad performance in this movie they all did really well so that’s another plus.

Thanos played by Josh Brolin who had a very big role in Infinity War and was a fantastic villain and was one of the best if not the best thing about Infinity War played a small role in Endgame, I mean he was still Thanos he was badass, menacing and obviously had some memorable lines. He wasn’t in the movie all that much except for in the beginning and largely shows up at the end of the movie for the final showdown and that was kinda disappointing, but with the story the Russos went for you could understand why he wasn’t in it that much but still it was kind of disappointing. Thanos was still a great villain in Endgame all that being said and you could fell The after effects he imposed after Infinity War. Without saying too much Thor and Hulk were the twist characters in this movie I mean they did some surprising stuff with them at first I was like Marvel what did you do but in the case of Hulk it turned out all right but Thor...lets just say I didn’t like what they did to him or his arc(if that’s what you wanna call it) was disappointing.

The humor was good for the most part of course this is a Marvel movie so forced humor played a factor(sorry if you keep seeing this in all my Marvel review but it is what it is) especially in the case of Thor I mean Endgame didn’t ruin the character of Thor but it’s like they were trying to ruin him if that makes sense. There wasn’t really a lot of action in the first and second half of the movie maybe one action scene in the second act to keep things fast paced, in fact there were like 2 or 3 action scenes in the whole movie(I’ll talk about the final battle just hold on). I mean that was really surprising that a superhero movie managed to keep me intrigued for that much with so little action so again hats off to the Russo’s for a compelling and interesting story. Now let’s talk about the final battle, yes it was Epic I usually don’t describe anything as Epic but the final battle of Endgame was truly a spectacle and I’m glad I got to see it. It was filled with tense moments, awesome comic book action, drama and truly some wonderful surprises, it had it all that I think the final battle was the best action set piece in all of Superhero movie history just truly phenomenal action.

The tone of this movie was lighter than I expected after the events of Infinity War I mean it’s not a bad thing, when the movie got dark and serious you felt it. Endgame was part adventure so I guess you’d expect some lighter tones in some aspect. The third act was really the best part of the whole movie and I mean the whole last act, there were some nail biting moments, epic action and wonderful storytelling and heart breaking scenes.

So Avengers: Endgame was a really great movie, had awesome characters, an intriguing story, it was fun, had funny humor, fantastic action, really heartbreaking moments and a satisfying conclusion.Sure there were a few things a didn’t like for instance some baffling character decisions or some dragged on scenes but for the most part all I have to say in a nutshell I Thank You Marvel.

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